Event | Edinburgh Parkinson’s Annual Lecture 2021
Key Facts
Thursday, October 7, 2021 - 19:00
Dear DRIG Members,
I invite you to watch this year’s Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture live and online. Inaugurated by the Edinburgh Branch of Parkinson’s UK, the annual Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture attracts internationally renowned experts to inform and educate a large annual audience and to review progress in the fight against Parkinson’s.
This year, because of the continuing Covid pandemic, the Lecture will again take place as a live streamed online event, followed by a live Question & Answer session where we will prioritise questions from People affected by Parkinson’s. This gives us the opportunity to reach out to a much larger audience.
The title of Prof. Barker’s Lecture is: Repairing the brain in Parkinson's Disease - Is this possible?
For more information about the Lecture go to:
Please join us for the Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture 2021.
Best wishes,
David Melton (Edinburgh Branch, Parkinson’s UK)
Report on Event
You can watch the event here: https://www.edinburghparkinsons.org/edinburgh-parkinsons-lecture/