People with Parkinson’s need your help! Please join PD Avengers
Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition in the world, approximately 1 in 100 people have Parkinson’s. We need your help but we are not after your money or sponsorship, we are after your voice. We believe it’s time to tell the world about what this condition means, to organise ourselves and to take action to fight it.
People with Parkinson’s (PwP’s), their family, friends and carers have many challenges to deal with: the variable and debilitating effects of Parkinson’s, the side effects of drugs and treatments and experiencing or witnessing the continuous progression of the disease with its increasingly debilitating effects.
PD Avengers mission is to End Parkinson’s.
Whilst there have been unprecedented advances in technology and medicine over the last 50 years, very little progress has been made in developing better treatment for Parkinson’s, let alone with finding a cure. We have therefore joined the global alliance of PD Avengers which has three objectives:
- All people of the world with Parkinson’s need to have access to proper medications, treatments, information and support.
- We hope to unite one million actively engaged advocates around the globe by 2022 to power unified campaigns raising awareness for our mission.
- We aim for meaningful Parkinson’s patient input at every step of therapeutic development. We believe this will accelerate the development of better treatments and ultimately lead to a cure.
To achieve this we PD Avengers need your help.
Scotland HUB of PD Avengers
As PD Avengers we will do whatever we can by uniting globally but acting locally, working closely with appropriate groups to support efforts that are compatible with our mission. By establishing more local HUBs of PD Avengers we expect to grow our numbers quickly, raising awareness and promoting action.
We hope to have at least 120 PD Avengers in Scotland by the end of this month! Yes, January 2021. For the whole of 2021 we want to set the bar really high at 1,200 equivalent to 10% of PwP’s in Scotland.
So, whether you are a Person with Parkinson’s, a family member, friend or carer, live in Scotland or anywhere in the world, please join us, become a PD Avenger and persuade others to join too?
Please visit where we shortly also provide local updates, information, a blog, testimonials etc and other relevant information. Importantly it links directly to where we hope you will sign up.
When you become a PD Avenger please send an email to confirm to: This will allow us to count how many new avengers have signed who have some sort of connection with Scotland. Please also let us know that you are happy or not for your name, address and email to be retained by the PD Avengers for the purpose of keeping you up to date and to send you relevant information.
We hope you will join us. Thank you!
Jo Goodburn, Brendan Hawdon, Janet Kerr, Siobhan O’Hara, Julie Jones, Norman Richie and Marc van Grieken.